Pandy Show and East Wales and Borders Vintage Rally 2024

Spring Road Run Sunday 7th April 2024

A really big thank you to all those that supported our Spring Road Run. Unfortunately the weather was against us this year, mist and cloud obliterated what would have been spectacular veiws of our beautiful Welsh countryside.  Our thanks must also go to the staff of the Goose and Cuckoo for the warm welcome and good food at the lunch stop.

East Wales and Borders Vintage Enthusiasts Autumn Ploughing 15th September 2023

Follow the link below for photos

East Wales and Borders Vintage Enthusiasts Autumn Road Run 29th October 2023

Abergavenny Steam Rally

Some of the members exhibits at the 2023 Abergavenny Steam Rally.

Charity Donation 2022

The image above is of the club's chairman, Keith Prosser,(left), with Phil Jones and Ian Pugh presenting a cheque to Gaynor Warren of St Michael's Hospice. The club chose St Michael's Hospice as their charity for 2022 and managed to donate £5,000.00 by holding events throughout the year; the final sum also includes several generous personal donations. Thank you all for your support!

Crank up at Nigel Wards Pontrilas

Many thanks to Mr & Mrs Nigel Ward for inviting us all, also for the tea, coffee, bacon rolls and cake.

Border Counties Show

Photo below is of our stand at the Border Counties show this weekend, 29th - 30th April.  Saturday was a beautiful day with lots of visitors but unfortunately Sunday was washed out by the weather.





Sunday 2nd April 2023

Thank you to all those that attended our road run today and supported our charity.  A great turnout. The route took us through the Golden Valley with a lunch stop at Gwatkins Cider. The weather was kind to us, and the food was good at the lunch stop.  A very enjoyable first run of 2023.

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