East Wales & Borders
Vintage Enthusiasts
Club Officers
2023 - 2024
Position Held |
Name |
Contact Number |
President |
Terry Bayliss |
01981 242061 |
Chairman |
Keith Prosser |
01981 240676 |
Vice Chairman |
Ian Pugh |
01873 853538 |
Mary Davies
01600 780594 07905 566815 |
Treasurer |
Basil Thomas |
07548 318726 |
01873 857402 | ||
Membership Secretary | Mary Davies | 01600 780594 |
Rally Co-ordinators
Terry Bayliss Bryan Morgan |
01981 242061 01873 840394 |
Programme co-ordinator |
Vacant |
Road Run Co-ordinator |
Tom Mason |
01432 266092 |
Merchandise Co-ordinator |
Karen Thomas |
07530 725475 |
Ploughing Co-ordinators |
Phil Jones |
02920 882253 |
Rodney Powell |
01600 780295 |
Allan Davies
01600 780594 07733 150907 |
Pandy Show Chairman |
Terry Bayliss |
01981 242061 |
Comittee Member | Nigel Ward | 01981 240140 |
East Wales and Borders Vintage Enthusiasts
History of the Group
Welcome to the East Wales & Borders Vintage Enthusiasts' Website. We hope you enjoy its content and ease of use.
The Club was formed in 1993 and held its first meeting in the Hunters Moon Pub in January of that year; there were about 20 enthusiasts at the first meeting. But as news of the gathering got around, it was soon realised a larger venue would be required. A new venue was found at the Rising Sun Pub in the village of Pandy, which is situated just outside the market town of Abergavenny, Monmouthshire.
In January 2024 we have moved our Club meetings to Pandy Village Hall, Pandy, Nr Abergavenny.
Our aim is to bring together like-minded enthusiasts with a passion for restoring, exhibiting and working old tractors and machinery of yesteryear. And most of all to enjoy the occasion.
The Club meets on the first Thursday of the month, except January when the AGM is held on the second Thursday. The Club invites guest speakers from all walks of life, holds quiz nights, plus other gatherings throughout the year and details can be found on the Events page.
We also hold three road runs a year, plus a Vintage auction and a Rally on the last weekend in June. This consists Stationary Engines, Vintage Cars, Lorries, Tractors and Steam Engines. (See Events page for details) From our proceeds, donations are made to local charities which are nominated by Club members at the A.G.M each year.
The Club membership comes from a wide cross-section, including the Agricultural sector, Health professions, Office workers, Transport, Undertakers, Retired People, etc.
Non-members welcome, you don’t need to own any machinery, but we are sure once you have attended a couple of meetings you will be seeking advice from members as to what to purchase.