East Wales and Borders Vintage Enthusiasts

* Please Note Change of Venue *

Next Club Meeting is This Year's AGM

To be held on Thursday 9th January 2025 at the Rivers Edge Public House, Pandy

Starting at 7:30pm.

Would all club members please try and attend.


Chairman’s Christmas Message

Dear members,

We are coming to the end of my second year as chairman of East Wales & Borders Vintage Enthusiasts, I must thank all members for their support during the past year including Nigel & Julia for allowing the occasional club meeting and more regular committee meetings at the Salerooms at Pontrilas. Particular thanks must also go to Mr & Mrs David Probert for supporting our Show and Vintage Rally and Mr & Mrs Derek Lloyd for hosting our annual ploughing match, and thanks to Derek for providing the Nuffield 10/60 and “Feed Manger” trailer to take visitors around the headland to view the finished work on the day of the match.

It’s been another good year for the membership numbers which have remained at a stable level but we are always looking for “New Blood” and we would welcome anyone who wished to join us in the New Year.


The events we have organised throughout the year have been well supported and generated much appreciated funding for this year’s chosen charity, “Dore Community Transport”.


The weather was kind to us again this year for Nigel & Julia’s Vintage Sale and the Show and Vintage Rally and both were well attended as a result. The Annual rally and Show was a great success with the local schools children’s football, and this year the “Tug of War” competition, certainly bringing more people through the admission gate.


We are open to suggestions for a new charity to support for the coming year. Our policy has always been to focus on using our charitable donations to benefit local people and their families, so if anyone knows of a deserving cause please put their name forward.

Finally, I would like to wish all members and their families a very Happy Christmas, and a Happy New Year,

Best regards,



Club Charity for 2024
The charity the club members have chosen to support in 2024 is,"Dore Comunity Transport", (Charity No 1097172).  
This charity uses volunteer drivers to provide door to door transport, for those who need it, in a rural community that is not well served by Public Transport.  We look forward to raising money for this charity throughout the coming year.

Club Christmas Dinner 2023

The Annual Christmas Dinner was held a Pandy Village Hall on Sunday 21st January 2024.


The photo below shows Terry Bayliss, the Club President, presenting the award for outstanding service to the Club to Phil Jones

Charity Donations 2023

The Photo above shows our Club Chairman Keith Prosser (seated), and Vice Chairman Ian Pugh presenting a cheque for £4500 to the Mind Monmouthshire charity team at the club's AGM.


At our Summer Road Run donations totalling £275.50 were collected for Cancer Research Wales in memory of Charlie Collet who was a member of East Wales and Borders Vintage Enthusiasts.



Until further notice unless otherwise informed club meetings will be held

at Pandy Village Hall



at 7.30pm

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